
Many warehouses operate 24/7 and consume electricity for lighting, electric forklifts, administration, kitchen appliances with hot water for showers and kitchen. In most instances the warehouse has a back-up generator to ensure continued operation during interruptions in municipal electricity supply. In most cases warehouses have more than sufficient roof space for solar PV, improving viability. A significant amount of potable water is used for showers, toilets and washing of delivery trucks on site. The Eco-V sustainability audit done at ABInbev, Isando warehouse showed water consumption in excess of 2million liters per month, which based on the less than 50 staff on the premises and use of recycled greywater for truck washing, indicates seriously leaking water infrastructure. The impact of the newly commissioned electric forklifts was approximately an increase in maximum demand of 23kVA along with 6,000 kW in energy per month.

The GreenTower Microgrid Pilot at ABInBev Isando Depot was installed in 2019 with the aim of demonstrating how GreenTower Microgrids, using a next generation Internet of Things (IoT) solution for renewable energy generation and borehole water supply, could help ABInBev fulfil its sustainability goals for climate action and water stewardship.

Eco-V drilled a borehole expecting to find an aquifer with a capacity of 10kl of water per day. However the borehole was only able to open up a vein and could deliver 2.5kl water per day. The target solar PV energy generation of 4,500 kWh per month was exceeded and average generation of 4,855 kWh per month was measured with annual energy savings of 57,000 kWh providing a reduction of 57tons of Greenhouse gas.

The advance version GreenTower Microgrid that provides energy, water, food and health security as a service using a circular economy model will shortly be introduced to ABInBev, the largest brewer in the world, for implementation at their facilities globally.

In response to covid-19, GreenTower Microgrids for industries will sustainably provide water security by recycling toilet water for re-use and health security by recycling ozone treated potable water for disinfection of PPE and surfaces as well as hand washing.