Schools & Universities
There is a worldwide covid-19 pandemic crisis with a global shutdown, including closing of schools and universities. Projections for infections and deaths in South Africa are tentative with infections expected to peak in September, however lockdown is crippling the economy. Current problems experienced in SA that affect education include cost as well as access to clean water for drinking and sanitation along with high cost of electricity coupled with electricity supply interruptions. Now our schools and universities also need to deal with the pandemic. The influenza season that begins in May, which co-insides with end of lockdown and return to school, could add to 40,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths related to flu.
Our circular economy GreenTower Microgrid pilot for schools was awarded funding in March 2020. The project in partnership between Eco-V, Tshwane University of Technology and Coventry University will provide solar power and ozone treated borehole water for sanitation. Borehole water will be treated and replace potable water for toilets.
Ozonised water will be used as a sustainable alternative to sanitizers for hand washing, disinfecting classrooms as well as PPE in response to covid-19 and influenza. Ozone dissolved in water is a highly safe and effective cleaning solution. Electrical energy is used to convert oxygen molecules in the air, which is then passed through water, transforming some O2 into O3. In this state it is highly effective; clinging to dirt, grime, bacteria & viruses killing 99.999% of all harmful contaminants.
Ozone is already being used as disinfectant in Sweden, Italy, Spain, China and Korea and specifically for some schools in the UK, USA and Canada. Testing aqueous ozone for covid-19 disinfection is progressing well in the USA, with success to eliminate a similar virus and conclusive results are expected in June 2020.
Ozone is already being used as disinfectant in Sweden, Italy, Spain, China and Korea and specifically for some schools in the UK, USA and Canada.
Part of the GreenTower value proposition for high schools is an online learning platform to improve skills in solar, IoT and entrepreneurship with community collaboration to facilitate a feeding scheme. Practical entrepreneurship projects will include skills development such as 3D printing of PPE for teachers as well as disinfection for reuse. GreenTower Microgrids for schools aims to provide Energy, Water, Food & Health Security as a Service to 1,000 urban high schools and universities in South Africa as a sustainable response to covid-19 and influenza. The circular economy model requires no capital investment from schools, with reduced municipal electricity & water expenses covering monthly GreenTower service fees from the onset. A 10 year service level agreement caters for cost of capital recovery, maintenance and fair split of savings portions between Eco-V and the school.